Kristi Ross


What Do You Think Heaven Is Like?
Thursday, July 20, 2023 by Kristi Ross

I find that an interesting question.

We have many books published that tell how people who died and went to Heaven. They tell us about going to a tunnel or a brilliant light and being met by loved ones and relatives when they first arrive. But what about the third day you are there? Or the 3000th day?

The following is what I hope Heaven is like.

Every summer, we have to give booster shots to the soon-to-be-weaned, not-so-baby-anymore calves. The vaccinations are similar to those you give a human baby. They keep the calves from getting sick.

 This particular day was exceptional. The cattle were easy to work, and we finished vaccinating two big punches early in the afternoon.

 Afterward, Mika, Hardy, and I took our horses to the creek to water them. When the horses finished drinking, we turned them loose to graze. Then, we humans stretched out on the creek bank to relax and enjoy the stellar day. We talked, laughed, and enjoyed being a family.

This was my view while lying on my back in the grass beside the creek, marveling at the deep blue mountain sky. 

It was a stellar moment.

When I get to Heaven, I hope my Dad has our favorite horse saddled and he and Grandpa are chomping at the bit to show me all the great places they have found. After a great ride, we can turn our horses loose to water and graze nearby as we lie down in the lush green grass beside another bubbling brook and enjoy the sunshine.

This is what I hope Heaven is like.

Please take a moment and share in the comments what you hope Heaven will be like.

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What Do You Think Heaven Is Like?
Kristi Ross
