Author Kristi Ross
“God, family, friends, and horses! These are the loves of my life.”
I also love the way God has used horses in my life as a road map of where He is leading. Every time I sit on a horse, I pray. He uses them like air in my life. They feed my soul because I’m thanking Him for them, and I’m asking Him questions about them. If I get in a situation where I’m up in the mountains and I’m headed into a section of downed timber, I ask the Lord to help me get my horse though that situation safely, just like He gets me through life safely.
Thank you for joining me as we walk through lush pastures with my beautiful horses. Breathe in the scent of fresh mown hay and take in the magnificent view of the San Juan Mountains, known as the Alps of America. Every day, these majestic mountains remind me to reach toward heaven.

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In Kristi Ross's Blogs you will find stories of God accomplishing His purpose through one country girl. Stories about… God - horses - family - friends - fasting & prayer - everyday challenges.